Toblerone Oatmeal Cookies
Normally any Toblerone that makes it into my kitchen gets eaten long before it gets baked with.
Hi, I'm Andie.
I live near the Swiss Alps, in Bern, and I love not only melting cheese, but all kinds of Swiss cooking.
All in Swiss Baking
Normally any Toblerone that makes it into my kitchen gets eaten long before it gets baked with.
"It has ovomaltine in it, doesn't it?"
"Well, surely that makes it a breakfast food?"
A common exchange in our kitchen that has been used to justify breakfasting on Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream, Ovomaltine Petit Beurres, and now this cake.
I was pretty convinced that Switzerland could not do brownies—but that was before I found a recipe for Basler Schoggitorf.
The result of all these Samichlaus sacks is that you sometimes end up with a glut of peanuts, chocolate, and oranges. If you get tired of eating them, don't despair, chop them up and make this easy recipe with the leftovers.
With a newborn at home, I've got 'wickel'-ing on the mind. So, when I saw this recipe in Tip Topf I thought it was a sign for me to make this Wickelkuchen.
In times of change and confusion I go to my happy place: the kitchen. There is nothing more heartening than making comfort food and then stuffing my face with it. And there is no better comfort food than these salty, chocolatey, sandy, buttery, heavenly cookies.
When you're too tired to make breakfast, have a stock of these cookies on hand.
These little green plums are named after the plain but sweet Queen Claude of France, who reigned from 1515-1524.
Every evening of my childhood my mum, like the good Swiss ex-pat she is, would make herself a cup of Ovomaltine to drink. As a child I tolerated the stuff, but didn't love it, preferring sweeter powder-in-milk drinks like Nesquik. But over time Ovomaltine made its way into my heart...and my cookies.
Although it is technically a vegetable, rhubarb is primarily sweetened and used as a fruit. In the United Kingdom, where rhubarb remains quite popular, the first harvest is performed by candlelight in darkened sheds, which is thought to produce the tenderest stems.
The quality of Swiss milk is unparalleled. The act of taking the cows up to the Alps in the summer and letting them graze on fresh alpine meadows influences the delicious taste of the milk. However, it's not only the alpine pastures that make great milk, swissmilk lists several other reasons why Switzerland's milk is so good.
Chocolatey Swiss farmhouses.
Sam's favourite Christmas cookies—buttery and stuffed with raisins.
Switzerland’s favourite Christmas cookie, made by every bakery and every family.
(But none are as good as my mom's.)
The supermarkets in Switzerland are currently filled with these packages of Pfeffer, or marinated game. Often you can get them for a very good price, and pie is an exceedingly easy way to take advantage, especially if you don't have time to make all the parts of the Wild plate. Decorate the lid with some forest animals and you have a Jäger's, or Hunter's pie.
Usually it is a mistake to make someone's family recipe, and this was no exception.
In Swiss German the Aaschnitt, or end of the bread, is called something different in practically every region of the country. Regardless of what you call it, it makes great bread pudding.