All tagged pasta

Mönchsbart Spaghetti

Mönchsbart Spaghetti

The Mönchsbart that arrives each spring in Switzerland is mostly grown next door along the Italian coast and in Ticino, where it is known as barbe di frate or agretti. Although its season is extremely limited, I managed to find it in my local Coop in the middle of the Emmental. 

Quince Gnocchi

Quince Gnocchi

Quince featured prominently in ancient times. The words for quince and apple were synonymous, and in some cases what was translated as apple may have actually been quince. Quince was probably the golden apple that Paris awarded to the most beautiful goddess, Aphrodite, and when the speedy Atalanta tried to outrun her suitors, the golden apples that Hippomenes used to slow her were also probably quinces. 



Unless you grew up in Switzerland, you probably have no idea what Schabziger is. However, if you did, you probably have only one of two reactions to it: disgust, or unbridled passion.

Schabziger is unique to Glarus, one of Switzerland's smallest cantons. It has the honour of being Switzerland's oldest protected brand and is perhaps the most polarising cheese in Switzerland's culinary canon.