Hi, I'm Andie.

I live near the Swiss Alps, in Bern, and I love not only melting cheese, but all kinds of Swiss cooking. 

En Guetä!

Room Temperature Ingredients

Room Temperature Ingredients

Room Temperature Ingredients

Do you need room temperature butter and eggs, but yours are direct from the fridge?

Here's what you can do:

Fill your sink with hot water.

Break your butter into small pieces and put it in a bowl (stainless steel, glass, or ceramic work best) then pop this into the sink.

Put the eggs directly into the hot water in the sink.

Stir and mash the butter occasionally until it softens.

Eventually it will warm up and be a good consistency for beating. You may have to refill the sink with hot water.

Rough Puff

Rough Puff

Cooling your dough

Cooling your dough